Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School
Class Of 1979
Mark Roberts rob
Residing In: | Canton, OH USA |
Homepage: | |
Occupation: | Marketing and sales consultant |
Children: | Tyler 23 Jordan 20 |
"I see thoughts as artwork in and of themselves. I see them as unique pieces of a magnificent tapestry coming together timely to share and thus create value in all they touch.
Can you imagine the Mona Lisa or Michael Angelo's David being draped in a cloth of "but this is the way we have always done things around here?" I believe innovative, out-of-the-box ideas, all start with a "what if" question as an answer to an unmet need.
When Michael Angelo was asked to explain how he took the raw block of marble and shaped it into the famous statue of David, he replied with an Art Of Thoughts response--"I just helped the marble become what it was meant to be." As others saw the task as work using his mallet and chisel to reshape the marble, he saw the task with freedom of thought.
If you would like a free copy of my book, feel free to visit my website for a free download at
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