In Memory

David Schaeffer

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07/13/11 02:06 PM #1    

John Saris

I was one of Dave's primary caretakers at the HS, and he was a very funny guy.  I don't know how many of you ever had a chance to really shoot it with him, but considering his afflication, he was very lighthearted about it...kind of this self-deprecating, gallows-style humor...very dry.  I think he was just trying to keep everyone at ease.

I was fortunate to be the one to accompany him at Graduation out at the Coliseum, and I remember him getting this HUGE standing O.  He asked me "why all the applause?', and I leaned over and said "Dude, that's all for you".  He was pretty surprised.  Of course, he also thought it was cool to be a class speaker because (among other things) with both of our names starting with "S", we got to sit in the front row, waaay out of line. So we had that going for us too.

A real good guy who faced his life as normally as was humanly possible.

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